- After the summit
We want to thank everyone for his / her enthusiastic presence and cooperation!
Keynotes and workshops
In the folder FF KEYNOTES you'll find the presentations and/or audio clips from the keynotes at the summit.If you want to freshen up what happened in the workshops, some of the presentations and outcomes (unfortunately not all of them) can be found in the folder FF WORKSHOPS.In the folder FF TALKS you'll find the guideline of the talk between Thomas Remerie and Arjen Wals.Goodreads
Let's stay wise
Remember the books from the Summit Library? The books that inspired Summit participants, can be found in this list. Or even more simple, take a look at this bookshelf. We 'd like to keep this bookshelf up to date, so please, contribute.CO2 neutral
Fully compensated
The calculated CO2 footprint of the Future Forward Summit is 20 tons of CO2 equivalents. This emission corresponds to the emission of 8 return flights Brussels - New York (in economy class). These tons are fully compensated by supporting the 'Saving Trees' project in Uganda.
As you can see in this chart, about 95% of total emissions is due to mobility (mainly participants who came by plane).
You can find more detail in the folder CO2-NEUTRAL.Your opinion
Please, share your thoughts
Help us get a fresh perspective on the Future Forward Summit. This is your chance to help design the next one. What did you like? What went horribly wrong? What did you get out of the summit? Where can we improve?
Share your opinion with this short questionnaire.
Word and image
Relive the day
Take a look at our collage of photo's and quotes in the folder FFS IN WORD AND IMAGE.
Café Connect
Small talk for connecting great ideas
Let 's keep the heat of the summit and the current Belgian climate marches burning: 'On est plus chaud, plus chaud que le climat'!
That's why we are organizing some gatherings this year, where we can talk, exchange and connect ideas on sustainable higher education.
Ecocampus pays the bill, you can connect and have a drink.The first Café Connect will take place in Gent on March 20th, starting at 16:30h. Save this date.
We'll keep your chair warm.
The next Cafés Connect will take place in Louvain and Antwerp. To be kept informed, subscribe to our newsletter.Copernicus
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Continue meeting your peers in this vibrant network. The COPERNICUS Alliance unites people and institutions in Europe committed to transforming higher education towards sustainable development. You will feel empowered and have the possibility of collaborating in European research projects; and much more...
Contact COPERNICUS Alliance to learn about your benefits.
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